Do you want to create a system that lets customers cancel subscriptions on their own?

How it works

Cancellation Subscription is a type of action that you can set up so that a customer can cancel a recurring subscription upon completion of a Formli.

There are three main components you need to work within addition to your payment Formli:

  1. A unique cancellation Formli specifically for cancelling a subscriptions to a specific payment block. This Formli will feature information about their subscription
  2. A Cancel Subscription Action will be set for the cancellation Formli so that and upon completion will cancel their Stripe subscription.
  3. A unique variant link to this cancellation Formli will be included in your monthly payment receipt.

This guide will take you through everything you need to enable your customers to cancel their subscription.

Setup Guide

This guide has two prerequisites:

  1. You have a payment block set up with monthly recurring payments

    <aside> ☝🏼 For a walkthrough on creating a payment Formli, see here


  2. You have a monthly recurring receipt with Zapier.

    <aside> ☝🏼 For a walkthrough on creating a recurring payment receipt, see here


Step 1 - Create a Cancellation Formli

We will create an Formli with a no content block that has information about the responders subscription and a submission button.

  1. From the home page, click the + New Formli button.

  2. In the Block Type drop down select "Content (no response)".

  3. Turn the Set a time limit toggle to off.

  4. Turn the Show submission button toggle to on.