Making your first Formli

How it works

Formli is an app with multiple blocks to help best describe what you want to present to the world. Through 6 types of blocks:

This guide will help pick out which block you would like for presenting your Formli to the world.

Setup Guide

Step 1 - Make a new Formli

  1. Click on + New Formli

    Make a new Formli - 1 Blue Arrow.png

  2. Click Start from scratch (for now, we can use a template later)
    Templates are pre-made Experiences that you can customize so that you don't have to start from scratch every time you make an Formli with similar details.

    Start From Scratch Blue Arrow.png

  3. You can rename you Formli by simply clicking on the Untitled Formli (date)(time) and typing in your new name (click anywhere outside of the edit box to save)

    New Formli 1.png

    New Formli 2.png

    New Formli 3.png

Step 2 - Make a new Block

  1. Click + Add New Block

    New Formli! blue arrow.png

  2. Click on the drop down menu under TYPE to choose which block you would like (Free Response, Payment or donation, Yes/No, Content, Multiple choice, or Data fields)

    New Block - blue arrow .png

Block type drop down blue .png

You can now create, edit, upload pictures and save changes to your Formli blocks :