Transitions are what happens upon the completion of a block.

The default transition "Next" takes user to the next block, but there are four different types of transitions. For Multiple Choice and Yes / No (Quick Answer) blocks you can use Conditional Transitions.


The default transition "Next" simply directs user to the following block. If the block is the last in an experience, the Next transition will complete the experience and bring responders to the final Thank You page.

Go To

Use this transition to send the responder to another block (within same the experience or a different one) without changing the URL. Go-To transition is great for connecting two experiences in an embedded experience, so the next experience will show up in the same embed.

<aside> 👉🏽 For a walk through of setting up a Go To Transition see here.



Redirect allows you to direct the user to an external URL. This transition can also be used to create templates, enabling you to merge responder generated content into other experiences to create shareable variant experiences.


This transition will complete the experience (even if it is not that the last block it is used on) and bring responders to the final Thank You page.


For Multiple Choice Blocks and Yes / No blocks you can make the transition contingent upon the responder selection.

<aside> 👉🏻 For a walk through of setting up a complex conditional transition see here.


Learn More about Transitions:
